The Cosmic Circle: September 11th

Open Your Festie Eye 👁‍🗨


The Cosmic Circle

Goooooood morning Festies! Reporting to you live from Brooklyn, NY, where I listen to Polo & Pan on repeat, in anticipation of my next destination at Portola Festival for Fest Quest Wave 2. But before I get too excited, there is plenty more to share until then… Fest Quest is ALIVE, so much so that we traveled into the “Afterlife” for more 😅 (read further and you’ll know what I mean). So, sit back, enjoy the last few rays of hot sunshine, and open that Festie eye of yours.


We're moving fast! The Festies for Cascade Equinox, Life is Beautiful and Portola squads are officially decided, and we’re more than ready to continue the Quest. Wave 2 is coming sooner than you think… Stay tuned.

A wonderful service piece from Mofiasco, where they dive deep into approaching the unique and veteran underground rave scene. Maybe it’s just us, but we’re already planning for our next trip to Chi Town.

This past weekend we transcended into the Afterlife, where the team and a couple of Festies including OG Festie Xtina, and Beverly, from our EZoo Fest Quest joined us on a journey through time and space at the Brooklyn Mirage. Approaching the event at 1:30 a.m., the night (or morning we should say), ended with an 9 a.m. walk to the waterfront. We even witnessed a pigeon whisperer.

Approximately 9:30 a.m. Woof!

Tale of Us, the Italian masterminds behind the label and live music collective, erased boundaries between night and day, and what sound reverberation and surreal visualization truly means to us music lovers. Check it out: 

6:30 a.m. brew for the troopers

If you plan on doing any music sightseeing this week, let us know so we can share your experience with the community!

Of course Burning Man is forever going to be in the conversation. Well guess what, we’ve found a compilation of DJ sets that were played during the whirlwind of iconic moments and experiences. Tune in: